Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Biomimetic dentistry…

Dentistry has really evolved in these recent years. The new era is the era of adhesive dentistry. The conventional dental techniques that were used in the earlier days are no more relevant. Newer and better techniques employ the principles of adhesion.

The treatment of caries involves the preparation of a cavity followed by restoration with a biocompatible dental filling. Dental caries cause severe destruction of the tooth. The bacteria are responsible for dental caries. They cause decalcification of the tooth structure and minute cracks develop that allow more and more bacteria to seep into the tooth. These cracks make way for debris to enter the tooth and infect it further. In the process of dental caries progression, the enamel demineralizes which is followed by dentin and finally pulp. Once the infection reaches the pulp complex it rapidly spreads in to blood vessels and tiisue and destroys the nerves of the tooth. The pulpodentinal complex is very intricate and greatly favours the rapid spread of bacteria in the system. The root canals narrow and very intricate structures and allow rapid bacterial multiplication and survival. The result is tooth damage that may be localised in the early stages but if allowed to remain unchecked causes greater tooth structure loss. Biomimetic Dentistry New York.

The lost portions of the tooth structure have to be restored completely so that function may be maintained and appearance is also not compromised. During cavity preparation all the decayed portions and debris are removed. The cavity is made sterile by proper disinfection and filled with a material that mimics the tooth completely.

Many types of materials are available that can be filled in the cavity. Earlier silver amalgam was popular cavity filling material. The silver alloy was mixed with mercury to form a hard mass that was compacted in to the cavity and then further shaping of the filling was done to restore for. The material had the advantage of adequate strength but totally lacked aesthetic features and the filled tooth looked very dark in colour. Also excessive tooth cutting is required to fix the filling in the tooth. Extra retentive characters like pins, slots and seats need to be prepared to retain the silver fillings in the tooth.

When tooth is cut precious tooth structure is lost while cavity preparation. The loss of natural tooth portion is highly detrimental. It compromises tooth strength and increases chances of fracture.

Adhesive fillings require minimal tooth preparation and interlock into the tooth structure completely. A strong bond is developed at the tooth and filling junction so that it remains in to the cavity. The adhesive materials are composite that have resins alongwith fillers to impart strength.

For further detail about cosmetic dentist park ave please visit the website.

Bright white teeth….

Do you have yellow teeth?

Are you not happy with the colour of your teeth?

Does your brushing not make your teeth white?

Do you have stains on the teeth?

Do you have the habit to chewing stuff that is leaving colour on your teeth?

Have you tried gels from the market to whiten your teeth?

Have the gels not helped you?

Dirty or yellow teeth are not a pleasant sight. When you smile and your yellow or brown teeth show through it definitely does not look good. Pictures also do not look good.

The solution to this problem is tooth or dental bleaching. We at Tooth whitening upper east side, Tooth whitening park ave take special interest in whitening treatments. We provide excellent quality whitening treatments that are cost effective and suit your requirements in all ways.

Make an appointment with us so that we can take a look at your teeth. Once we see the current condition and assess the colour suitable. You can as well decide the shade difference that you want. Depending upon the extent of whiteness that you require the appointments may be scheduled. For more yellow teeth and darker shades of teeth, more appointments may be required until the desired shade is achieved.

The first stage of treatment is the cleaning of teeth. The external dposits on the teeth such as calculus, plaque and tartar are removed. The surface is also freed from any externally attached or surface stains that impart colouring to the teeth. This step may require 1-3 appointments. Once this is complete the tooth surface is polished. A polishing procedure further removes finer debris.

The bleaching treatment then can be begun. The impression of the dental arches is made so that customized trays can be prepared. These trays are used to hose the the bleaching gel that is used to bleach the teeth. Once the trays are ready, the procedure can be started. The gums are protected by applying a dental barrier so that the gums are protected from the chemicals that leach from the bleaching gel. The trays are loaded with the bleaching gel and the tray is then placed on the teeth. The gel may be self activating variety or light activating variety depending on that supplied by the supplier. The gel is allowed to stay on the teeth for 20 to 30 minutes. Once the cycle is complete the bleaching gel is carefully removed from the teeth and the teeth are washed off. The procedure can be repeated again in the same appointment if required. The same cycle is again repeated and the appointments can be scheduled according to the shade requirement.

So what are you waiting for visit our center and get that great white glistening smile. We really hope to provide you a wonderful experience.

For further detail about Tooth whitening park ave please visit the website.